
1-2-1 Training

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

You may be an experienced rider looking to move up to the next level, a race competitor looking for that edge, or a complete novice who would like to get to grips with an off road bike., Maybe you’re just looking for a way to improve your road riding. Here at the Mick Extance Experience…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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1-2-1 Training

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

You may be an experienced rider looking to move up to the next level, a race competitor looking for that edge, or a complete novice who would like to get to grips with an off road bike., Maybe you’re just looking for a way to improve your road riding. Here at the Mick Extance Experience…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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1-2-1 Training

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

You may be an experienced rider looking to move up to the next level, a race competitor looking for that edge, or a complete novice who would like to get to grips with an off road bike., Maybe you’re just looking for a way to improve your road riding. Here at the Mick Extance Experience…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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Ultimate Off Road Experience

Workshops Workshops, Unit 1 village, Llangynog, Oswestry, United Kingdom

Dakar legend Mick Extance and his team brings you the ultimate off-road motorcycling experience for the best possible price. Ride an amazing variety of trails, as you wind your way through and around 1,500 acres of beautiful Welsh forest in the heart of the stunning Berwyn Mountains. If you love bikes and want to get…
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